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Savings Rates

Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Balances of $50 and more. 0.05% 0.050%
Anticipated rates 2nd Quarter 2024. All rates subject to change after account is opened. Minimum to open account is $15. Fees could reduce earnings.
Share Certificates
Term Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6 Months $1000 - $4999 1.50% 1.510%
  $5000 - $24,999 1.60% 1.612%
  $25,000 - $99,999 1.70% 1.713%
  $100,000 + 1.80% 1.815%
10 Months - Promotional Rate $1000 - $4999 2.75% 2.785%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.75% 2.785%
  $25,000 - $99,999 2.75% 2.785%
  $100,000 + 2.75% 2.785%
12 Months $1000 - $4999 4.15% 4.230%
  $5000 - $24,999 4.15% 4.230%
  $25,000 - $99,999 4.15% 4.230%
  $100,000 + 4.15%


13 Months - Promotional Rate $1000 - $4999 2.75% 2.785%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.75% 2.785%
  $25,000 - $99,999 2.75% 2.785%
  $100,000 + 2.75% 2.785%
15 Months - Promotional Rate $1000 - $4999 2.15% 2.171%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.15% 2.171%
  $25,000 - $99,999 2.15% 2.171%
  $100,000 + 2.15% 2.171%
18 Months - Promotional Rate $1000 - $4999 2.15% 2.171%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.15% 2.171%
  $25,000 - $99,999 2.15% 2.171%
  $100,000 + 2.15% 2.171%
23 Months* - Promotional Rate $1000 - $4999 2.10% 2.120%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.10% 2.120%
  $25,000 - $99,999 2.10% 2.120%
  $100,000 + 2.10% 2.120%
24 Months $1000 - $4999 2.10% 2.120%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.20% 2.222%
  $25,000 - $99,999 2.30% 2.324%
  $100,000 + 2.40% 2.427%
36 Months $1000 - $4999 2.35% 2.375%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.45% 2.478%
  $25,000 - $99,999 2.55% 2.580%
  $100,000 + 2.65% 2.682%
60 Months $1000 - $4999 2.85% 2.888%
  $5000 - $24,999 2.95% 2.990%
  $25,000 - $99,999 3.05% 3.093%
  $100,000 + 3.15% 3.196%

Rates effective as of 06-10-2024. $1000 minimum to open. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Rates are subject to change without notice.

*Promotional rates available for a limited time.

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
IRA 0.15% 0.150%

Dividend rate for 2nd Quarter 2024. All rates subject to change after account is opened. There is no minimum balance to open account.

Money Market Share Account (MMSA)
Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Balances of $1,000 and more 0.45% 0.451%
Dividend rate as of 01-01-2024. Rate subject to change monthly. Ask for current rate. Minimum to open account is $1,000. Fees could reduce earnings.
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Balances of $1,000 and more 0.15% 0.150%
Dividend rate as of 01-01-2024. Rate subject to change monthly. Ask for current rate. No minimum to open. Minimum to earn dividends is $1,000. Fees could reduce earnings.
Total Business Dividend Checking
Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Balances of $1,000 and more 0.15% 0.150%
Dividend rate as of 01-01-2024. Rate subject to change monthly. Ask for current rate. Minimum to open account is $1,000. Fees could reduce earnings.
APY = Annual Percentage Yield
All rates subject to change without notice.