On July 1, 2024, the My Safe Florida Home program reopened its application portal for Florida homeowners. Eligible homeowners can receive a wind mitigation inspection and matching grants up to $10,000 for improvements identified in the inspection. The portal will close once all funds are awarded.
The State of Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, Jimmy Patronis, recently warned Floridians to be mindful of scams and imposters. This includes being aware of misleading sales practices from contractors and vendors promoting “free” roofs and windows through the program.
“We’ve heard instances where bad actors claimed to sign homeowners up for the program only to find out that they weren’t eligible or approved for a grant and were on the hook for the full cost of the repairs,” he said.
CFO Jimmy Patronis shared the tips below to help Florida homeowners avoid My Safe Florida Home fraud.
Verify Credentials. Always verify the credentials of any contractor or inspector claiming to be affiliated with the My Safe Florida Home program. Check for official identification and cross-check with program administrators if necessary.
Research Contractors. Before hiring any contractor, research their reputation and history. Look for reviews, ask for references, and ensure they are licensed and insured.
Get Written Estimates. Obtain written estimates from multiple contractors before making a decision. Compare these estimates carefully, including the scope of work, materials used, and total cost.
Understand the Process. Educate yourself about the inspection and improvement process under the program. Knowing what to expect can help you spot discrepancies or irregularities.
Report Suspicious Activity. If you suspect any fraudulent activity or encounter suspicious behavior, report it immediately to program administrators or relevant authorities. Prompt reporting can prevent others from falling victim to scams.
The My Safe Florida Home program website includes tips, contractor information, and a comprehensive FAQ section. Visit www.MySafeFLHome.com for full program details and to ensure you’re working with program professionals – not imposters.